Monday 16 November 2015

The Top 10 Avocado Skin Benefits

While using avocado directly on the face is a popular natural beauty treatment, many people have found that just eating avocado regularly can do wonders for their complexion.
Avocados are rich in healthy fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that can improve your skin from the inside. Here are four of the best avocado benefits for your skin and even more reasons to eat one of nature’s healthiest foods

1. Vitamin C 

Many people are surprised to find out that avocado contains good amounts of vitamin C for healthy skin. We should ideally have many . Antioxidants For Healthy Skin: Butter fruit contains antioxidants that help in protecting your skin from damage. It improves your skin’s complexion and density. Medical and skincare experts especially recommend the consumption of avocado juice to those struggling with dull, lack luster skin. It is also a great natural remedy to relieve dry skin. sources of vitamin C in our diet every day as it is water soluble and cannot be stored in your body.
As well as having strong antioxidant properties, vitamin C is needed for the creation of elastin and collagen, which bind your skin cells together and maintain their firmness and structure.

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another skin antioxidant, but since it is fat soluble it is used by the body in a different way. Vitamin E assists in preventing free radical damage from oxidizing fats in your skin cells that lead to aging skin.
Research studies have also demonstrated that vitamin E can reduce the effects of UVA and UVB radiation from sun exposure on skin.
Vitamin E is much better for you and your skin when it’s obtained from natural sources like avocados.
Here’s 15 other types of foods that are good sources of this important fat soluble vitamin

4. Moisturizing Monounsaturated Fatty Acids

One of the main avocado skin benefits comes from their high oleic acid content. This monounsaturated fatty acid maintains moisture in the epidermal layer of your skin, helping to make it soft and hydrated. An omega-9 fat, oleic acid is also involved in regenerating damaged skin cells and reducing facial redness and irritation.
Omega-9 fatty acids are one of the building blocks of healthy skin and avocados, and even more so avocado oil, are a great source of it. So along with all of the other health benefits of avocado, improving your skin is another good reason to have more of them in your diet.

5. Hydrates And Lightens The Skin Tone:

The fruit effectively hydrates dry skin and reduces fine lines on the skin. It also offers instant radiance to the skin. This fruit is used in various cosmetic products, such as moisturizers and cleansers. It also controls the itchiness caused by dry skin to a great extent

6. Best Sunscreen:

Replace your regular sunscreen lotions with this fruit. It helps in protecting your skin from the UVA and UVB harmful rays of the sun. It is also a remedy for removing sun burns and eczema from the skin. It protects the skin from future damage

7.Reduces And Prevents Wrinkles:

This fruit protects the skin from toxins that cause premature ageing on the skin. It also helps in reducing the age spots on the skin, when applied directly on the skin.

8. Clears Skin:

They also remove dead skin cells effectively from the skin. It deeply penetrates into the skin to restore the nutrients. It also helps in increasing the blood circulation in the skin, which is essential for the skin. The glutamine amino acid present in avocados cleanses your skin and offers it enough protection against harsh environmental factors

9. Nourishes Skin:

Avocado oil is easily absorbable and, thus, penetrates deep into your skin, leaving it well-cleansed, nourished and baby-soft. This helps accelerate the new cell generation and also helps promote the circulation in the body and the skin.
Initially, it was the Egyptians who used this fruit to regulate the hair growth and prevent hair loss. We can get rich vitamins and minerals through the use of the raw fruit or avocado oil. The oil gets easily absorbed in the hair, so it is  best suited for dry hair. This fruit makes the hair shiny and beautiful. It works effectively when it is used as a hair mask. It not only nourishes but also strengthens the hair. The hair benefits of butter fruit include the following:

10. Antioxidants For Healthy Skin:

Butter fruit contains antioxidants that help in protecting your skin from damage. It improves your skin’s complexion and density. Medical and skincare experts especially recommend the consumption of avocado juice to those struggling with dull, lack luster skin. It is also a great natural remedy to relieve dry skin.

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