Saturday 28 November 2015

Best Penis Enlargement Foods

The Best Penis Enlargement Vitamins

In addition to consuming our recommended penis enlargement foods, the following penis enlargement vitamins will have a significant effect on your penis.
  • Vitamin A – Vitamin A is an antibacterial vitamin that will fight against any infections you encounter. And infections of any kind can hurt any penis enlargement gains you have experienced! Vitamin A can be found in the following foods: Carrots, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes. You can also buy Vitamin A soft-gel supplements on Amazon. We recommend this Vitamin A supplement.
  • Vitamin B5 – Vitamin B5 helps improve the recovery speed of your penis post-exercising, which promotes penis enlargement. Vitamin B5 also helps your penis work at peak performance. This penis enlargement vitamin can be found in: Sunflower seeds, bran, liver, and shiitake mushrooms. Vitamin B5 supplements are a simple way to get the penis enlargement results you are looking for as well. We recommend this Vitamin B5 supplement.
  • Vitamin C – Crucial for maintaining sexual function, Vitamin C is a vital penis enlargement vitamin. The following penis enlargement food contain Vitamin C: guava, broccoli, and yellow bell pepper. You can also try this Vitamin C supplement.
  • L-Arginine – L-Arginine is known to help men with erectile dysfunction and is also proven to promote tissue expansion. That being said, L-Arginine is a key penis enlargement vitamin. The following penis enlargement foods contain L-Arginine: Tuna, oats, pine nuts, and beef flank steak. Here is our recommended L-Arginine supplement.

Best Penis Enlargement Foods

Next time you are in the grocery store, make sure to pick up the foods the foods needed to feed your penis. The following penis enlargement foods can all be found quickly (and cheaply) in your nearest supermarket:
  • Onions – Research shows that onions are great for creating healthy blood flow circulation throughout the body to the heart. Furthermore, onion consumption helps prevent blood clotting. But what people seldom realize is that onions help not only blood flow to the heart, but also with blood flow to the penis.
  • Salmon – Like we touched on in the case with onions, foods that generate a healthy blood flow are proven to help you attain a stiffer erections. Eating salmon is no exception. Rich in Omega 3 and other fatty oils, salmon is great for thinning blood, which in turn helps generate a healthier blood flow.
  • Bananas – Good for your heart and for your blood flow, bananas are our #1 recommended food for penis enlargement.

Penis Enlargement Foods – Other Helpful Links

Did you like this complete penis enlargement foods article? Make sure to check out our other popular penis growth pages!
  • The Complete Penis Pumping Guide – Many penis pumps available online and in print sex advertisements are unsafe and ineffective. Use this guide to get the information you need!
  • How To Enlarge My Penis – All men know the size of their penis, but only a small percentage of men are satisfied with their measurements. In fact, many of these unsatisfied men are the men that have above-average sized penises! Take a look at the “How to Enlarge my Penis” tips below and get a bigger dick today!
  • #1 Penis Exercise Guide – Are you unsatisfied with the size of your penis? A recent study showed that over 50% of all men wish that their penis was larger. Use this guide to get the extra girth and length that you desire!
  • Penis Enlargement Foods – Eating properly has many significant health benefits, including significant penis enlargement benefits. The following penis enlargement foods can help you get the extra girth and length size you have been dreaming of. 


  1. Good and powerful information for men out their Job well done keep it up from Dr Olusola coker

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