Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to Lose Arm Fat very fast

Excesses fats around the arms can be the reason why you are not putting on that sexy dress,
Having fats around the arms or'' armpit can be very disturbing and you might have tried every
thing but yet this stubborn fats refuses to leave, here is a few tips on how you can get rid of those
ugly fats very fast

1 .Have realistic expectations. It is important to understand that it is not possible to target weight loss on a specific area of your body, such as your arms. If you lose weight, you may lose it off your waist or tummy before you see any difference in your arms. However, if you maintain a healthy diet and a well-structured exercise routine, you will certainly begin to see results all over your body - sooner rather than later.[1]
  • Understand that it is not enough to just do arm toning and muscle building exercises. Yes, you will improve muscle tone, but if the muscle is covered in a layer of fat the outward appearance of your arms will not change all that much. Once you shed the extra layer of fat, however, the fabulously firm muscles underneath will be revealed.[2]
  • Equally, it is not enough to just lose weight either. As mentioned above, there is no way to specifically target arm fat, so it may be a while before a healthy diet and aerobic exercise noticeably impacts the size of your arms. Even if your arms do become thinner, they can still look flabby if you have no muscle tone beneath the fat.
  • This is why balancing specific arm toning exercises with overall weight loss is the key to getting rid of flabby arms. It's all about balance.

2. Triceps Dips

You will need a stable chair to perform this exercise. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the chair, while your bum is in front of the chair. Your legs should be bent on the floor about hip-width and yourback close to the chair. Now straighten out your arms but always keep the elbows slightly bent. Then slowly bend your elbows and lower your body towards the floor until your arms are at about 90 degree angle (you will feel tension in the triceps) then press with your arms and push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

3.Tricep Kickbacks

For this exercise you will need 1-2 kg weights. Hold your weights and get on the floor while your knees and toes touch the floor. Bend your upper body forward from the hips up and bend your elbows at 90 degree angle. Now extend both your arms backwards while your palms facing each other. Feel the tension in the triceps and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 8-10 repeats.

Doing this exercises very helpful do' it might be very difficult at first but with time you will get use too it and achieve your desired results. do droop your comments bellow. 


Natural ways to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly

Belly fats can be embarrassing and discouraging; a times you keep asking your self frustrating questions like "how do I look in this dress?" or "all my friends look better than I do." The worst belly fat can do to a person is low self esteem. that is why i am here to give you this easy and natural tips on how to deal with that stubborn belly fat,      

Get Stronger. Strength training builds & maintains muscle, increases fat loss, helps sticking to diet, …  if you don’t know where to start:  Eat Healthier. Apply the 8 nutrition rules. Eat breakfast. Eat every 3 hours. Proteins, veggies & fruits with each meal. Carbs post workout only. 2 cups of water with each meal. Whole foods 90% of the time. Add Cardio. post workout, build up to If you have less than 15% body fat, just get stronger and eat healthier. That will lower your body fat and make you lose your belly fat.

1. Eat More Fat. Fat doesn’t make you fat. Bad nutrition and lack of exercise do. Eating fat actually helps fat loss. Your body won’t stock fat as easily if your give it a constant intake of healthy fats. Fish oil is the best source of fat to lose your belly fat. Fish oil naturally increases testosterone levels and increases fat loss. 6g omega-3 per day is a good start. Check Carlson Fish Oil: 1600mg omega-3 per tbsp. Stay away from trans-fatty fats present in products like margarine. Trans-fatty fats are bad for your health. Eat whole unprocessed foods 90% of the time as I recommend in point 3 and you’ll avoid trans-fatty fats easily.

2.   Reduce Sugar As Much As Possible

If you would like to maintain a size zero belly figure, then you need to totally cut down on your sugar intake. Make sure that you eat as low as zero grams of sugar as possible to reduce belly fat easily. This will help you to keep your insulin levels low.
•    Make sure that you keep your insulin levels low at all times by totally avoiding intake of sugar.
•    This will help you to increase the glucagon which is a hormone that will help to maintain flat belly

3. Drink Lemon Water to Lose Belly Fat

You need to detoxify your liver because a stressed liver cannot metabolize fat effectively and which gets deposited around your waistline. Lemon water excellently increases enzymes that detoxify your liver so that it may carry out its basic functions efficiently.
Get this:
  • Lemon- 1
  • Water (warm preferred)- 1 glass
Do this:
  • After you get up in the morning, take the lemon and squeeze out its juice into the water.
  • While warm water is good to make lemon water for fat burning purpose, you can also use water at room temperature. This won’t stop lemon doing its job.
  • Mix well and drink this lemon water on an empty stomach everyday in the morning.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after you have your regular lemon water every morning. 

4.Sip Green Tea to Lose Belly Fat

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states, having 4 cups of green tea daily helped people lose more than six pounds within a period of eight weeks. Green tea contains a type of a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG. It is a natural phenol and antioxidant with many therapeutic applications. When you sip green tea, EGCG in it boosts your metabolism. Have 3-4 cups of green tea daily. Make it fresh every time or store it in fridge to get an iced green tea each time you need to speed up your metabolism. Here is a fine recipe of fat burning green tea for you.

How to make green tea to lose belly fat?

Get this:
  • Green tea leaves or pearls- 1-2 tsp OR Green tea bag- 1
  • Hot water- 1 cup
  • Mint/basil leaves- 4-5
  • Lemon juice- ½ to 1 tsp
  • Honey (optional)- 1-2 tsp as per taste. 

5.Hot Peppers to Lose Belly Fat

Hot peppers contain capsaicin which has thermogenic effects. It boosts your body’s heat production and thus uses more energy or calorie. A study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” says that when capsinoids are consumed daily, it reduces abdominal fat and improves fat oxidation. So spice up your foods with hot peppers to lose belly fat. Eat peppers raw, cooked, dried, or in powdered form. Red peppers contain different amounts of capsaicin, making some peppers more hot than others. Habanero pepper has the highest amount of capsaicin but cayenne pepper too can be a good choice. Although not as hot, cayenne pepper do has a significant amount of capsaicin which can increase fat burning and lead to your belly fat loss. Don’t be shy to add as much cayenne or hot sauce as you can to your soups, eggs, gravies and meats. 

6. Coconut Oil to Lose Belly Fat

Don’t be surprised. Although it is a fat, coconut oil can actually help lose your belly fat! I’ll tell you how. This oil extracted from coconut has a unique combination of fatty acids. It has a positive effect on your metabolism too. Coconut oil is high on medium chain triglycerides. The medium chain fatty acids are metabolized differently from long chain fatty acids. These fatty acids directly go to the liver from your digestive tract, where they are used in one of the two ways- either as energy or are converted into ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are three water-soluble biochemical compounds that are produced by the liver using fatty acids when you fast or reduce your food intake. These are used by body cells as energy instead of glucose. So when you want to follow low carb diet to lose fat, coconut oil can help you a lot.
Coconut oil is also a thermogenic and burns fat. Many studies have shown that medium chain fatty acids when compared to the similar amount of calories from other fats, can improve feeling of fullness. Thus you automatically reduce calorie intake.
A study has shown positive results about coconut oil in reducing abdominal fat. In this study, some women were given 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and some other women were given 2 tablespoons of soybean oil for 28 days. Both the groups lost about 2 pounds but the group taking coconut oil also reduced their waist circumference while those on soybean oil had a mild increase in belly fat. The coconut oil group also increased HDL (good) cholesterol levels. However, mindlessly having coconut oil may in fact increase your weight, after all it is a fat. So, keep the following tips in mind when using coconut oil to lose belly fat.
Hope you find this article very helpful, please feel free to drop your questions bellow...